Mr. Xu Punan once said :“Treasure does not only stand for the ability of a company, but for more responsibility of enterprises and entrepreneurs. Managing a company or creating a brand comes down to responsibility, we do business not only to create wealth, but also to build a bridge of love”. Over the years, all subsidiary companies of Safewell keep donating to the Foundation every year. Safewell employees also voluntarily contribute donations to the society and pass on the public spirited positive energy with the Safewell core value “Safety you can rely on”.
Care for war veterans
Help the old to help the poor
Youth Education
Safewell Pushi Charity Foundation was established In 2012. Safewell annually donated RMB 5 million to help solve social problems of the elderly and teenagers education, so that children in poor areas can carry bags to school.
Over the years, Safewell employees make voluntary contribution and donations to the society with the Safewell core value “Safety you can rely on”.